Release Blitz, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway: Fall Back Skyward by Autumn Grey

Title: Fall Back Skyward
Series: Fall Back #1 
Author: Autumn Grey
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: May 9, 2016


Eleven years ago, I saved her. I loved her. I still do. But they took me away from her and locked me up. For two years, all I could think about was her. She consumed me. Took up every room in my head and gave me something to focus on, knowing I would see her soon.

Nine years ago, I watched her as she walked down the aisle and into the arms of a man that wasn't me. My brother. I promised him that I'd leave town.

I did and never looked back.

Now, I'm staring at seven letters, each envelope stamped with one word in bold, red ink: URGENT.

I have no choice but to go back home. Seeing her will be the hardest thing I'll ever have to do. But in order to reconcile with my past, I have to face my present. Even if the thought of seeing her, knowing that she is out of my reach, kills me.

I have no idea what awaits me, but I can only hope that the demons of my past will finally be buried and put to rest.

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The air around me shifts, like atoms rearranging themselves to accommodate a potent, powerful entity. My eyes snap open. I swing my head around to my right and there, lying next to me calmly as though it’s something completely normal, is Cole Holloway.

I bolt upright and turn to face him. "How did you get up here?" He doesn't respond. Then I remember that he can't hear me. I touch his arm, making sure he can see my lips. Thank goodness the moon is full tonight. He tilts his head to the side to look at me. "How did you get up here?"

He points to the side of the building. I follow his finger and see the white ladder poking at the roof. Ah, I'd completely forgotten about it.

He turns his head and faces the sky. Holding my breath, I study his profile; his sharp nose and angular jaw. A faint scent of musk cologne drifts toward me, making the hair on the nape of my neck stand on end.

Dragging my gaze from his face, I look up at the infinite dark sky and I smile. Every part of me is centered on him. His movements. Every rise and fall of his chest doubles my heart beat until the only sound that fills my senses is my pulse pounding in my ears.




Seconds, minutes, probably hours go by. Centuries could pass. Seasons could come and go, but I wouldn’t notice, because this is the most spellbinding moment I’ve ever experienced in my seventeen years on this earth.

Something fleetingly touches the back of my hand, startling me.

There it is again. A soft touch along the side of my pinkie. My skin is on fire now. My heart is in my throat and my lungs are nowhere near working right. The touch is firm now. Deliberate. He hooks his pinkie around mine and tugs gently. Then he exhales hard, and I swear the roof moves beneath our bodies. Suddenly, the finger uncoils from mine, leaving me cold. I blink several times before twisting, turning my head to the side to look at him.

Did I imagine that touch?

I glance down and see that his hand is curled into a fist at his side. He sits up, then turns slightly to the side to face me. His face is framed in shadows so I can’t see it clearly. A shiver skitters down my back as he leans forward without warning until I feel his quick breath fan my lips, his eyes on my mouth the entire time. He takes a tendril of the hair fanned around my head and rubs it between his fingers, his eyes not leaving mine. I’m captivated by his eyes, his overwhelming presence. I should scold him for being too forward and getting into my space, but I can't. I'm mesmerized by the inhales and exhales passing through his parted lips.

He lets go of my hair and climbs to his feet with the agility and swiftness of a panther. Between one breath and the next, he’s gone, disappearing into the night as quietly as he came. Taking with him a tiny piece of my heart. As odd as it sounds, I feel a certain connection to this quiet boy.

I attempt to prop my upper body on my elbows so I can watch him as he walks back to his house, but they feel too jelly-like. I settle back on the roof, grinning and listening to the muffled crunch of his shoes on the grass until it fades.

4.5 Intense Stars for Fall Back Skyward! 

Fall Back Skyward was my first book by Autumn Grey and I wasn’t disappointed. Fall Back Skyward tells a beautiful and emotional story about first love and second chances. 

Eleanor (Nor) Blake moves to Florida with her parents and her two younger sisters where she meets her handsome and intense neighbour Cole Halloway. From the moment Nor sees Cole for the first time she can’t get him out of her head. Cole feels the exact same way as Nor and the pair fall in love. Nor finally feels like someone sees her for who she really is and not just the scars on her body. However Nor’s father is her biggest enemy and will do anything he can to get her away from Cole. Nor loves Cole more than anything in the world and she is determined to keep him safe even if that means breaking his heart. 

Nine years pass and Nor and Cole haven’t seen each other. Cole returns to Florida because of a urgent family crisis even though he swore he would never go back to his home town. Returning home means seeing Nor again after she tore out his heart. He can’t avoid her since there is more connecting them together than just their past. They have so much to talk about but can Cole really forgive Nor for what she did, even if it was ultimately to keep him safe?

I loved the characters in this book. Cole is the type of book boyfriend you fall in love with straight away, he’s protective, kind and shy but he’s also badass and alpha and its different to any of the book boyfriends I already have (you’ll learn why straight away) . I connected with Nor thought this book since I struggled with some issues that she did. Nor is incredibly strong throughout the whole story. Nor and Cole’s connection is instant and its magical. Watching their love grow into what it becomes was amazing. 

Autumn has written an incredible story that connects with you emotionally and tugs at your heart strings but also a story that can be sexy and intense at times. It was a emotional rollercoaster that kept me wanting to turn the page and never put the book down. I got half way through the book to realise that it was nearly 3am but I didn’t want to put the book down. This book has so many beautiful moments that make you want to cry as well  as some that make you want to laugh. Autumn has written a story where Nor and Cole are not the only loveable characters, the secondary characters in this story are loveable too and you can’t help but want to know more about their lives and what happens to them after the story ends. I truly felt myself go through every emotional that the hero and heroine went though as they went through the emotions. 

I will say that like the author warns you, there is some triggering descriptions of self-harm and sexual situations in this book. From being almost 5 years clean from self-harming myself there was times that could have become triggering to me so keep that in mind if you have a history with this. However Nor comes out strong and inspiring at the end of this story after fighting through her battle for years. 

Overall I really loved the story of Nor and Cole and it made me feel lucky to have a family like I do. It’s a beautiful story that shows how two people that are meant to be together can beat the olds, even after so many things have happened to keep them apart and they have been away from each other for multiple years. 

Autumn Grey has done an amazing job and I don’t think this will be the last book of hers that I’ll read. 

*ARC was generously given to me in exchange for an honest review*

Author Bio

Autumn Grey is the author of the Havoc series (Havoc, Obliterate, Mend). And just like her characters, she is quirky, sometimes funny and definitely flawed. She writes sexy contemporary romances full of drama, steamy kisses and happy ever afters.

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